Monday, January 9, 2012

Blessed by the Best

I just need to take a moment to brag about my awesome friends and family. First of all I have the best mom and dad in the entire world. They stayed up with me during all my "prep" and watched Harry Potter, even though they had to get up early. They also put their whole day aside to take me to the doctor together and make sure that I had the love and support I needed. My mom "fought" for me, and made sure that she was with me the entire time, until I was "out". I also must brag about my wonderful sister who sat with me in the bathroom, made me my "laxative cocktail", and even held my hand while I gagged it down. She is an amazing sister and I'm not sure that I would have made it without here there to make me laugh and to take my mind off of it. I also have some of the best friends in the world. From Liz Hummitzsch sending me flowers with a beautiful Bible message to Jenna Horgan making me a beautiful piece of encouragement to hang on my wall to Jessie Roberts and Jenna watching my little sister and making me get well cards while I had to go to the hospital today. Those cards warmed my heart more than you could ever imagine. And of course I cannot forget my amazing fiance Seth. He stayed by my side all night last night when I was sick as a dog "prepping" for my colonoscopy and came to the doctor just to ease my nerves. Then after working a full day of work he came home and made me chocolate covered strawberries (my favorite feel better treat) and made sure that I was alright. And of course I cannot forget each and everyone of you who prayed for me. I would especially like to thank my prayer warrior Tracy Mingo for lifting me up. She is one of the most faithful prayers I have met in my lifetime. So THANK-YOU to each and everyone of you. Thank-you for your prayers, your words of encouragement, encouraging texts,emails and facebook messages, your love and support. God has given me each and everyone of you, and for that I could not me more thankful. I am truly a blessed woman.
He's already there.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't family great! You have one of the best of them! So proud of Amanda for being there for you and of course your Mom and Dad! Seth's pretty good too :) What is really neat though is the way way that God creates His family! He takes those of different strengths, different struggles, different gifts and joins them together like a patchwork quilt. Each one on their own is beautiful but when pieced together they create a beautiful masterpiece of love, encouragement, and joy. He (as always) has done a fabulous job in the "family" he has brought around you sweet girl. From way out here in Arkansas your Auntie Lora is very grateful for your "family" there. Love you!
