Yesterday I had to go to the opthamologist to get my eyes checked for Crohn's of the eyes or Uveitis. I have been having some problems with "goop" (for lack of a better word) in my eyes and my GI doctor thought it might be due to Uveitis. Fortunately all the doctor found was that I have "dry eye" syndrome. She sent me on my way with drops. God is so good and faithful. Then I had to go get two blood tests and one other test done. My amazing (soon-to-be) sister-in-law Jessie came to all the appointment with me. She even held my hand through all the blood work, even though "all that stuff" makes her nauseous. She was amazing making me laugh through it all, I do not like needles at all! I am so thankful God gave me not only a wonderful family and great man to marry, but also a wonderful supportive "second family" to call my own. He is so good and faithful even in the pain.
To be honest I have really never loved going to the doctor (in fact I really dislike it a lot). But this whole experience has really shown me that I am SO fortunate to have doctors offices (no matter how "scary" I might find them) around me. I find myself thanking God for lab technicians and blood work, needles, and even the occasional colonoscopy. Some people in this world do not even have access to medical technology. That is why Seth and I are so thankful to belong to a church that has such a heart for medical missions. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to be a person inflicted with illness in a country like Nicaragua or Kenya. I am so thankful that I have access to technology and medical professionals. And I am so thankful for this new perspective on life. I also find myself thinking about how much worse it could be on a daily basis. When people ask me how I'm doing I find the words, "it could always be worse" popping out of my mouth. I truly hope that people do not find this as me trying to blow them off, I just know that it is so true.
He's already there.
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