Monday, May 21, 2012

Our actions should speak louder than our words.

Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- His good and perfect will (NIV). 

Paul is trying to tell us here that we need (of course) to be living in the world, but need to act as if our citizenship is elsewhere.  In Philippians Paul writes, “We, however, are citizens of heaven, and we eagerly wait for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, to come from heaven.” (GNT)  As Christ follower and lovers of the Lord we need to remember not to “put all of our eggs in one basket.” 

This life is not all we are given and is certainly not all we are promised.  We are promised full happiness in our eternal life, not here only on this earth.  That is something we as a body need to keep in the front of our brains.  Everything that this world says to be fun is not going to be worth it once we get to heaven and need to explain ourselves to the God of the universe.

And I might really make myself sound like a nerd here, but I have can have a-stinkin’-lot of fun without sinning.  You don’t have to sin to have fun in this world.  I know it can really seems like it (I fall in that pit a lot), but it is a lie that Satan is telling you, to try and get you to fall away!  We must be strong!

Are we really going to be able to justify all that sin to the God who sent down His own son to atone for the sins of the entire universe?  I know that I am not going to be able to.  I think that we need to take that into account everyday with everything that we do.  We need to think, “Is this sin really worth it?”  Is this sin really worth risking the treasures that God has intended for us in heaven? 

I think that we will find that the answer to that question, is no. 

He’s already there.  

1 comment:

  1. Stellar post. It's so true, we 1) don't need to sin to have fun and 2) it's not even worth it. Fun is not nearly as important as bringing glory to God. Thanks for writing.
