Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We Are Here!

We are here! We are actually here. In Atlanta that is. I almost (actually) physically cannot believe it. Over the short time God has allowed me to be on this earth. God has given me several passions and then shut the door. For good and perfect reasons, because He only knows what's best. And I was mostly OK with it. So I was really super hesitant to have this passion. Really hesitant. It scared the living tar out of me. But I followed. I asked people to pray for something I wasn't even sure why I wanted it.

We are sitting in our hotel waiting for our room to be ready. I am giddy with anticipation of walking into that Dome with tens of thousands of other believers. Giddy for those who will come to believe this week. Giddy. Seth and I have been waiting with great anticipation for his day. God has provided in the most amazing of ways for us to get here. He knows exactly why we are here. I can't wait for Him to show us. I know it will be great and good and perfect. Because that my sweet friends is exactly what our God is. Thank you, thank you a thousand times for journeying with is. It means the world. We will keep you posts as the week progresses. Trust me. I'm sure I won't be able to keep it inside!

He's already there.   

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