Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The God of Immeasurably More

Last night we looked at Ezekiel 36:24-27. God takes Ezekiel out and is looking over all the dry bones. Not new "fresh" newly abandoned bones. But dry, hard brittle bones. The dead of the dead. And God asks Ezekiel if those bones can live again. Have you ever looked at this passage before? Really looked? I hadn't. Ezekiel answers, only You can know of sovereign Lord. What an answer! What an amazing answer. God was asking Ezekiel an impossible question. And yet Ezekiel had the wisdom to look up and say, only You know that God. Only You. But we know and should live in the knowledge of, that when Jesus comes He breathes life into dry bones. Some of you have walked in that with Him, some of you have watched it happen to those you love dearest in your lives. You have watched people be broken from sin that didn't just make us bad, ugly or unwanted but made us dead. You have watched those broken bones be healed. In the power and name of Jesus.

Then we looked at Mark 9 talking about the little boy who was possessed by demons. The father said, help me if you can. Of course He could! He was and is the savior of the world.  With Him and through us our lives can do immeasurably more than we ever could even think in our hearts or minds. And He lives inside of us dear ones! We have the living and breathing God dwelling right inside of us! What a priceless privilege we have. If we just trust and believe and live in the faith of knowing that our God, our Christ, our savior wants to do immeasurably more in us and through us.

But the enemy doesn't like that. And just like the demon inside the little boy threw one last fit before exiting. So will the evil one that dwells among us. He knows that Jesus has a hold of us, he knows that if we obey Christ's calling in our lives we can and will do more. The enemy can't have that so he tries to take one last stand. To raise one last battle against you. But stand strong in the hope and faith of Christ and the immeasurably more that He wants to do through you!     

He's already at the end of Your story. He placed you just where you were supposed to be. He's not confused, He isn't up there looking down surprised at how your life is going. You are His child. Walk with Him and in Him and you can do immeasurably more!

He's already there. 

We Are Here!

We are here! We are actually here. In Atlanta that is. I almost (actually) physically cannot believe it. Over the short time God has allowed me to be on this earth. God has given me several passions and then shut the door. For good and perfect reasons, because He only knows what's best. And I was mostly OK with it. So I was really super hesitant to have this passion. Really hesitant. It scared the living tar out of me. But I followed. I asked people to pray for something I wasn't even sure why I wanted it.

We are sitting in our hotel waiting for our room to be ready. I am giddy with anticipation of walking into that Dome with tens of thousands of other believers. Giddy for those who will come to believe this week. Giddy. Seth and I have been waiting with great anticipation for his day. God has provided in the most amazing of ways for us to get here. He knows exactly why we are here. I can't wait for Him to show us. I know it will be great and good and perfect. Because that my sweet friends is exactly what our God is. Thank you, thank you a thousand times for journeying with is. It means the world. We will keep you posts as the week progresses. Trust me. I'm sure I won't be able to keep it inside!

He's already there.